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Adventure Camp

Pack 377 2018 Adventure Camp Leader:  Cory Moyars

June 13, 2018 through June 16, 2018 at Camp Kikthawenund (Camp K for short) located in Frankton, IN.

Adventure Camp is for Pack 377 scouts who are currently Bears and Webelos scouts going into 4th or 5th grade)

Camp Info

This is an overnight camp held at Camp Kikthawenund in Frankton, Indiana so your scout will be gone for three nights: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

This year’s Adventure Camp theme is “Passport to Adventure”.

Adventure Camp sessions run from Wednesday through Saturday. Check-in as a group begins at 1:30 PM on Wednesday.  All scouts and adults will participate in a swim check as part of the check-in process, so please wear swimsuits under your travel clothes and have towels within easy reach.

The last evening in camp will be family night. Families are invited to join their camper for dinner and the closing campfire. If you plan on attending let us know so we can purchase visitor meal tickets prior to your arrival.

All meals will be served in the dining hall. Walled tents on platforms with two cots per tent will be provided in the campsite. Each campsite is also equipped with a shelter and picnic tables, latrine with running water and supplies, a lantern and other equipment. While in camp, we will have access to modern restroom and shower facilities. All of our basic camping needs are met, so first time campers only need to bring a sleeping bag and their personal items to have a great time.

Scouts that come to camp will grow in moral strength and character, develop physically, mentally and emotionally, and become better citizens. While at camp, we will participate in exciting activities such as Air rifles/BB guns, Archery, Canoeing, and Swimming!

Scouts will also be able to complete a wide range of requirements for their rank.


Parent Volunteers Needed!

We need parents to volunteer to be chaperones as we must have a minimum of 2 adults for the first 8 scouts and then 1 additional adult per each 4 scouts.  There is a $100 charge for food & boarding for the adults.  The  experience you and your scout(s) will have is invaluable.


Registration and Payment Process:


  • By Wednesday, February 28, 2018, use ****THIS REGISTRATION FORM**** to inform PACK 377 that you would like to reserve space for your scout(s) and/or yourself to attend Adventure Camp from 6/13/18 through 6/16/18.  There is also a $50.00 non-refundable deposit due by 2/28/18 to the Pack 377 Treasurer.


  1. On or before Monday, April 16, 2018, the Pack 377 Treasurer will inform parents via email of how much is due for Camp registration. For each child, the amount due is based on the Camp Fee ($185 early bird) you’re your deposit of $50 and any available funds in your child’s Pack 377 scout account (e.g. funds raised from Popcorn sales).


  1. By Thursday, April 26, 2018, parents need to deliver payment for the amount due to the Treasurer.  This includes any adults that are attending which are $100 per adult.


  1. On Friday, April 27, 2018, the Treasurer will submit payment on behalf of all confirmed AND paid scouts. If you have not paid the Treasurer by this date, your child will not be included in this initial, early-bird registration. (If you need more time to determine your summer plans, you can still ask the Pack to register your child for $210 through June 1, 2018 or for $225 after June 1, 2018 – subject to availability.)


  1. Camp registration fees are non-refundable. If your child is unable to attend, the Pack will try to transfer the registration fee to another Pack 377 scout that might register late (if any). If that is possible, your child’s Pack 377 account will be credited for the full amount which will be available for dues or 2019 camp. If no other scouts can take your child’s spot, this is not an option. Processing of these transfers will be based on the order in which a parent sends a cancellation notice to


Location & Transportation

     7651 W. 500 N  Frankton, IN  46044

We will meet up on Wednesday morning at a location TBD.  If you are not attending  you will be able to drop your scout off at this time.  As we get closer we will finalize time, location, and if we need additional drivers.

For the return trip back home on Saturday, we will designate a location/time for you to pick up your scout if you did not attend.


Health Forms

Download, Fill Out and send to Cory Moyars by scan/email  ( or by hand delivery.  Deadline: June 1, 2018.  Both child campers and Adult Volunteers are required to submit a Health Form.



Additional Info to be updated on this webpage.


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